I knew something was up when mom moved the carrier to the middle of the room and opened the carrier door. I immediately stopped eating and ran to the bedroom (away from the living room where the carrier was now sitting). Mom called my name until I finally poked my head out of the bedroom. I still wouldn't come so she got the treat bag out and sprinkled a few on the floor. I didn't used to like treats but I really like them now! They are my weakness and mom used that to get me to come in to the living room. Treats were scattered about leading me right in to the carrier. Then that tricky mom closed the door! Dammit, how did I let her trick me like that???
I don't like car rides and I told her so the entire way to Wayside Waifs. I really didn't like the car ride this time and threw up the treats I had just eaten. No problem though, mom cleaned up the mess (in the car) and on we went in to Wayside.
We were at Wayside Waifs so that I could get microchipped. Bayer was doing a training session with their employees and wanted some volunteers. Mom didn't really think microchipping me was important since I am an indoor kitty but after I was found running around the apartment complex parking lot after escaping the fire on Feb 23, 2012 she thought it might be a good idea to get a microchip put in me. You never know when a kitty might get lost or be involved in an emergency! The folks at Bayer liked my story and might use it in their campaign teaching pet owners about why it's importamt to microchip your pets. Isn't that cool? Thanks Bayer and Wayside Waifs for getting me microchipped!
Since I got sick on the car ride over, mom decided we would hang out at Wayside for a while before hopping back in to the car. I got to hang out in the sun room and meet some of the great people at Wayside Waifs that mom volunteers with! Here are pics of me exploring:
This actually took place on Wednesday August 15, 2012 but lazy mom just got around to writing it up for me today... something about being busy working. Whatever mom!