Sunday, February 9, 2020

Our new normal...

Mosby’s getting used to being the only kitty in the home. He still looks for Mia but not as much now.

Thanks for all the prayers and positive thoughts for mom and Mosby as they get used to their new normal.

Take care pals!

Angel CJ

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Gone to the rainbow bridge

Hi pals,

I have some sad news to share. Mia passed away last night. Mom found her this morning by her food dish. She has not been sick recently so this was very unexpected. I’ll meet her at the rainbow bridge and greet her. I know mom is sad but hope she takes comfort in knowing I will greet Mia as she crosses over the bridge.

Mia 9/21/08-2/1/20

Take care pals!

Angel CJ