Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Today's the day!

Mom took me in for my procedure today. Here I am at home this morning. I didn't know when she snapped this pic that I was about to go for a car ride.

I should have known something was up since the carrier was in the middle of the room instead of in it's usual spot. I need to pay more attention to that detail next time and run and hide! Mom must have known she wouldn't get a happy pic of me at the VET. I don't like car rides and meowed the whole way there! And I made sure not to give a good photo op while there either!

I'm now at Blue Pearl. They are taking good care of me. Mom said they called her to let her know my procedure (I -131) went well. I ate some brekki and am relaxing in my kennel with the shirt mom left with me (so I can smell her scent and know that she's not leaving me here permanently). I am still having trouble with an upper respiratory infection so they have started me on another round of antibiotics. This is round 3. Hopefully it takes care of my sneezing. Mom's pretty sure the sneezing is why I am not eating well. So, hopefully that is under control and along with the procedure I will feel better soon.

Thanks for all the purrayers and pawsitive thoughts pals!


  1. I'm sending purrs your way, CJ so you get over that URI soon! I hope this treatment for your hyperthyroidism works - I hear it usually does!

  2. dood....we haz all 984 paws crossed N we asked de naybor catz ta keep paws crossed for ewe two....hope yur mom can give a wee up date each day; if knot we troo lee understand...we asked R pal frank ta stix with ya, him said oh key doe key....heerz hopin yur home & on de roadz ree coveree & healthee... reel quik !! ♣♣♣♣♣

  3. So happy the procedure went well! What a trooper you are, CJ!

  4. We send you lots of purrs, CJ, and hope you stop sneezing. We're glad to hear the procedure went well.

  5. We are still purring up a storm for you CJ! So glad all is going well xoxox

  6. Thanks for all the positive thoughts for CJ!

  7. CJ, I would give anything to take away all worry and trouble from you. I know mom has loved you a long time.
