Monday, October 15, 2012

Addictive Blog? Me, Really???

Did you hear? Maxwell, Faraday and Allie gave me the Addictive Blog Award! Really??? Blushing...I'm honored!

I'm to share a little about why I blog, and how I got started...and then nominate 10 other bloggers for this award.

If you know my story then you know I got started blogging after a fire on Feb 23, 2012 took my home and big brofur Cosmo. Maxwell, Faraday and Allie were blogging about my progress.  Mom thought it would be good to start a blog for me.  Someone called me "Legend" because I escaped the fire so mom got me signed on to twitter (CJLegendKitty) and started this blog to keep all my friends...old and new...updated on my progress.

Social media has been a huge help to mom. It showed us how much people care which was a huge help in recovering from such a tragic event! Thank you to everyone who followed my story and prayed for my recovery!!!

To see how much I have recovered here's a pic from just a few days after the fire...

And now...

As you can see, I am doing well!!!  Mom still blogs about me occasionally when she has time.  I'll keep on her about that. 

Now I need to pass on the Addictive Blog award to some recipients:

Sebastian the Sensitive Soul (Have you met Harvey yet?)
Bunny's Blog
Katie Isabella
Sparkle the Designer Cat
Curlz and Swirlz...
Tails and Wails
Laila and Minchie
The Furries of Whisppy

Happy Monday everyone!



  1. Congratulations on your award and thank you for passing it on to us!
    We are really happy to see how well you are today. :)

  2. Concatulations on your award, CJ! It couldn't happen to a nicer kitty! :)

  3. Concats on your award. You are addicting. You've come such a long way and look really happy now. I know you miss Cosmo but you probably can't remember your old home now.

  4. WOOOOO! We was HAPPY to pass it along to you Dude!! You deserve it!

  5. Congratulations on your award, CJ! We think you are a Legend!

  6. Concats on the award and a big thank you for passing it on to us. We just love the progress you have made since your awful fire!
