Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lazy Caturday

Mom brought in a box of stuff for me yesterday from nipandbones. I helped her open the box I was so excited! Inside the box was my favorite toy!!! I can't think of a better way to spend Lazy Caturday than to spend time at home with mom playing with my favorite toy!


  1. oh my CAT - a NIP Nanner!!! We've only *heard* of such things...since our mom has never bought one for us...*sighhhh*

  2. Wow, a nip nanner!! CJ, that is one of our favorite toys too!!

  3. Yay! I won a contest and got a nip nana this week too. They rock!

  4. A nip nanner! We get all our nip nanners from Nip and Bones. Nip out dood!
