Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Looking better everyday...

Just wanted to post a few pics showing my progress...

March 11, 2012

My owwies are healing.  Mom can't resist taking pics of me, i'ze so handsome!

Me playing in a bag on March 12, 2012...

Exploring the apartment... March 13, 2012
I was exploring the new home today for really the first time since coming home.  I discovered this nice comfy chair and woo hoo there's a fan in this home too!  I like sitting and watching the blades go round and round...


  1. You are looking so very much better and more importantly, you must be FEELING better too if you're playing and all. Oh, I'm so glad. And congratulations on your new blog! That's wonderful!!! Now, sometimes this word verification thingy lets me leave comments and sometimes it doesn't so we'll just see what happens in the next couple of seconds...

    1. Yep, I'm looking and feeling better everyday! Now if mom would just create my own email and twitter account I'd be set!

  2. Hey CJ buddy! We so happy yoo gotz yoo'r vary own blog now! ConCatulations! We can kepp up wif yoo nortyness regularly...luv yoo bein a 'bad boy' on da table! It'z ok...Mom doesn't mind! MOL! *smooch*
